Follow the brown signs

Me on BBC Radio 4 Saturday Live
On Saturday I had the honour of being on Saturday Live on Radio 4. Over the years I’ve been mildly hesitant to get what I do into the media, mainly because I feel a bit shy about it but also because when I’ve tried in the past it often came to nothing and made me feel a bit crap. In order to keep myself sane and not get too despondent when receiving knock backs I kept going quietly on my own without shouting very much about it. However, recently the journalist Michael Moran hosted dinner for my boyfriend and I at his house with his lovely wife, and we got to talking about my project. He was very supportive of what I was trying to do with my brown signs project and the next day tweeted the presenters of Saturday Live about me. Next thing I knew I was on my way to Broadcasting House at silly o’clock in the morning to talk live to the nation about my “hobby that got a bit out of hand”, it was unbelievable!
I had a great time and the other guests were really interested in what I did, we all stayed around chatting (or hobnobbing if you will) after the show for nearly an hour. I have been overwhelmed by the emails, tweets and messages through my Facebook page from people who have been inspired to ignore their sat nav and notice brown signs, many visiting places they wouldn’t have considered visiting before. I have also been getting fantastic new pins on the brown sign map of destinations far and wide by people who appreciated them as much as I did, so my quest to map them all slowly becomes more and more possible. And all this made me very very happy.
My interview is here: Me on Saturday Live if you’d like to have a listen, enjoy 🙂