Follow the brown signs

Go on, get in touch…
I love hearing from interested people and reply to every email I get (if sometimes belatedly, but I always do the end). I’ll answer questions as best I can and welcome any information that helps keep this site up to date, relevant and correct (and of course credit you fully).
When you contact me though please bear in mind I am just a person who likes following brown signs for fun. I don’t…
- – Have anything to do with the administration or installation of brown signs
- – Have any opinion about whether certain destinations should or should not have brown sign
- – Want to know about any out of date/redundant brown signs
- – Apply for brown signs on anyone’s behalf
- – Know the ins and outs of council rules and regulations regarding brown sign policy
If you have questions about any of the above these please refer to the appropriate authorities (I am in no way an authority, on anything, sorry)