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House of Historic or Architectural Interest

Gainsborough’s House

Thomas Gainsborough, the youngest of nine children, lived in the house and attended Sudbury Grammar School. At 13 he went to London to further his studies training with the French painter and illustrator, Hubert-Francois Gravelot. The house remained as a private residence until 1920 after which time it had various functions including guesthouse, and antique shop. In 1958 Gainsborough’s House Society was formed to purchase the house and establish it as a Museum and monument to Gainsborough. The Museum opened to the public in 1961.

I volunteer at The House, full of fine works by Thomas Gainsborough.  Just had a wonderful re-hang, well worth seeing.



How to find us

Gainsborough’s House

Gainsborough's House
Gainsboroughs House
46-47 Gainsborough Street
Suffolk CO10 2EU
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