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Green’s Mill and Science Centre

Entrance is FREE!

This attraction was nominated by Gedmina Sumakaryte 

I haven’t been there yet, but I live very close. I see the sign each time I go in to town and I see the actuall mill from my back yard. As I said, I haven’t been there, so I can’t tell anything about it…

@lovebrownsigns added: George Green was 14 years old when his father built the windmill and for most of the rest of his life he worked there. But George Green was also a brilliant mathematician and physicist. He devised new ways of doing mathematics which he used to make many discoveries about such things as electricity, magnetism, light, sound and wave motion. His mathematics – still called Green’s Theorem and Green’s function – are used today by scientists and engineers all over the world working with computers, lasers, satellite communications. Research scientists trying to understand the gravitational field of the Earth and sub-atomic particles, for example, use his mathematics. This is a celebration of both windmill and Mr Green.

How to find us

Green’s Mill and Science Centre

Green's Mill and Science Centre
Windmill Lane
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