Follow the brown signs

National Trust Property
“The need of quiet, the need of air, the need of exercise, and… the sight of sky and of things growing, seem human needs common to all men” Octavia Hill, one of three founders of The National Trust
Gosh, I never knew that!
A massive 95 per cent of all National Trust buildings (from grand country houses to barns & cottages) have bats living in them!
A little bit of history
The National Trust was founded in 1895 by three Victorian philanthropists – Miss Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Canon Hardwicke Rawnsley. Concerned about the impact of uncontrolled development and industrialisation, they set up the Trust to act as a guardian for the nation in the acquisition and protection of threatened coastline, countryside and buildings.
The National Trust have a underlying ethic that I am obviously a big fan of; to preserve and make accessible to us and future generations our rich history and heritage, through acquisition, restoration, research and engagement with people to inspire a deeper understanding of the places we live, where we’ve come from and the world around us. Without organisations like The National Trust there’s no doubt that a huge amount of our historic relics and important places would have been demolished, abandoned and forgotten, but with National Trust ownership they become accessible and meaningful, all these places had often small but unique parts to play Britain’s past and thanks to The national Trust they will continue to be part of our future.
What the experts say
The National Trust is a charity which is completely independent of Government. We rely on income from membership fees, donations and legacies, and revenue raised from our commercial operations. We have over 3.7 million members and 61,000 volunteers. More than 17 million people visit our pay for entry properties, while an estimated 50 million visit our open air properties. We protect and open to the public over 350 historic houses, gardens and ancient monuments. But it doesn’t stop there. We also look after forests, woods, fens, beaches, farmland, downs, moorland, islands, archaeological remains, castles, nature reserves, villages – for ever, for everyone.
Organisations, official bodies and great links to places where you can find out more – With extensive search facilities and links to every single property and piece of land maintained owned and maintained by The National Trust, the website offers no end of inspiration for getting out there and exploring their huge variety of important destinations. It also gives information on the numerous “bigger picture” projects that The National Trust run which help to engage and educate visitors to the issues which adds really interesting and thought provoking elements to even a quick visit, including everything from the plight of bees to architectural debates.